At Wholesome Canine we strive to provide the best and healthiest choices for all your dogs’ and cats’ needs. Our founders are accredited canine professionals with over 20 years of experience studying and working with dogs.
Our values: compassion, kindness, and empathy are the core of our work. We’ve taken great care in curating products and services that align with these values. The products we carry are of the highest quality, carefully chosen and rooted in the science of nature. Pet parents can rest assured we’ve done all the research and read all the labels, so you don’t have to.

Hairballs: What, Why, and What To Do
Every cat owner knows the sound (hack, retch, cough) and the feeling of stepping down on something wet and horrible on an otherwise clean floor. Hairballs are something we’ve all had to deal with. But why do they happen? Are they actually normal? How many is too many? And is there anything we can do to make them stop?