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  • Hairballs: What, Why, and What To Do
    February 22, 2025

    Hairballs: What, Why, and What To Do

    Every cat owner knows the sound (hack, retch, cough) and the feeling of stepping down on something wet and horrible on an otherwise clean floor. Hairballs are something we’ve all had to deal with. But why do they happen? Are they actually normal? How many is too many? And is there anything we can do to make them stop?

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  • The Safe Outdoor Cat
    July 25, 2024

    The Safe Outdoor Cat

    The question of whether you should let your cat roam freely is one that doesn't have an easy answer. Most cats, given the proper enrichment and stimulation, are happy indoors. However, there are some cats that require more, and should your cat be one that has unequivocal opinions on this score, there are some basic precautions you can take before you let your best friend roam freely.

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  • Bone Broth for Dogs
    April 2, 2024

    Bone Broth for Dogs

    The ultimate superfood. Explore its gut-soothing properties, ease dietary transitions, and enhance joint and skin health. Packed with essential nutrients, bone broth supports everything from immune function to wound healing.
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  • Mushrooms for Dogs
    August 22, 2023

    Mushrooms for Dogs

    Not all mushrooms are grown and cultivated equally. How to choose the most effective extracts, and why supplementing with mushrooms is great for your dog.
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  • Do Ingredients Matter?
    May 12, 2023

    Do Ingredients Matter?

    We want to help you understand that the process of how most kibble is manufactured, is just as harmful as many of the ingredients used. Dogs need fresh, unadulterated proteins, fats and veggies. And here's why...
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  • Too Hot to Handle
    April 27, 2023

    Too Hot to Handle

    There's a saying: if it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog. But the truth is, it's too hot for your dog well before you're even bothered. Exercise induced hyperthermia is actually one of the biggest risks facing many dogs. Read on to find out what it is and how to avoid it.
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  • Flea & Tick
    March 30, 2023

    Flea & Tick

    What's the threat level where you live? What are the risks and potential side effects of pharmaceutical prevention? Are there safe alternatives? Finally, should you detox your dog after feeding/applying pesticides?
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  • Loose Leash Walking
    March 9, 2023

    Loose Leash Walking

    Walk time is their time.
    And for a dog's mental and physical well being the walk is integral. But this time needs to be free of stress, pain and frustration. No mater the duration, the journey should be filled with dopamine-inducing pleasure.

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  • It Hurts to Be Alone
    June 8, 2022

    It Hurts to Be Alone

    Why has crating become commonplace? Seemingly, it's for the convenience of guardians. But what are the potential longterm effects of confining new dogs and puppies?
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  • Cut the Sit
    July 19, 2019

    Cut the Sit

    One of the most common things we ask of our dogs.
    What purpose is it serving? What are gaining from this exchange with our dogs.

    Is sitting even a natural position for a dog?

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  • Let Them Chew!
    September 4, 2018

    Let Them Chew!

    Why dogs chew and why you should encourage it. Chewing is a natural and instinctual behaviour for all dogs. It’s a way for them to relieve stress and self-soothe.

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  • Call the Vet?
    March 2, 2018

    Call the Vet?

    Sometimes it's a tough call. Here are some tips from one of Toronto's well-known vets about when you should take your dog to the vet, and when it's appropriate to wait and see.

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